Season of Lent Drawing Challenge Day 14: Ode to an Over the Counter Headache Medicine. Some days you have a headache. 🙁
Today I’m thankful for my OTC Headache Medicine.
Season of Lent Drawing Challenge Day 15: Room with a View.
One of the perks of having a classroom situated where my classroom sits is the view. Many moments of the day are filled with the sound of young imaginations playing out countless stories. The giggles, squeals and happiness make me smile.
Today I am thankful for the playground outside my classroom.
Season of Lent Drawing Challenge Day 16:
Ode to My Favorite Cap….because it’s not just a cap. It’s all the memories wrapped up in all the years of teaching kids to look beyond what they thought they could do. It’s the countless hours researching the best way to teach atmospheric perspective to students who would rather be playing Call of Duty (love those kids, too).
It’s all the serenades from silly 8th grade boys. It’s hearing my name called so many times in a day, I wanted to change my name to “My Queen”. It’s helping contain the bubbly excitement of 7th grade girls who insist that dancing and singing are the only ways they can produce art. Its loving on those babies who are struggling with loss. It’s grading artwork and papers and tests late into the night. It’s 8,000 lessons on proportions of the face as learned through the Mona Lisa so I can see the look on the face of a student when they impress themselves with their ability. It’s the pep rallies, dress up days, dance contests, field trips, staging students in one epic photo at the Art Institute of Chicago to recreate a scene from one of the best 80s films ever. It’s all the smiles, jokes, good advice, hugs, and tears shared by coworkers. Its SO many more things. It’s a huge chunk of my life and my heart.
I am thankful for all parts of my teaching career, past and present. Some days you just miss home.